Spells and Rituals for your home, New Year, Business or Personal

Prosperity and Abundance  Spells for your Home and Business 

Spiritual bath to receive the New Year:
Items need it:
Sweet Basil
Star of Anise 
Florida Water

Boil all herbs in a pot of water filled half way. Leave in stove for 15 minutes and let it cool. Add the Florida water. Take a regular shower first and then take the bath. As you pour the bath from head to toe, say your j tention and prayer of your desires. Remember that it is all about your intention from your heart to make the magic manifest. Do not dry yourself and let it air dry. Pray psalm 65,150,23.

Spell to strengthen your marriage or love relationship 
Items need it:

Pompeia cologne (preferably) or Some of your favor Perfume or Cologne
5 Roses
Florida water

Boil in a pot all ingredients( the petals from the 5 roses) for 15 min but the Florida water, perfume and or cologne. Then, remove from the stove and let it cool. Once cooled, add the Florida water and or Perfume, cologne. Take a regular shower to clean your body first. Then pour the bath from head to toe. If you prefer, you can fill the tub and add the tea made. Say your intentions for the new year and pray psalm 65,72 and 150 to ask for God's blessings or who you believe depending on your religious preference.

Prosperity, Abundance and Wealth Incense:

You will need the following ingredients listed below:

Star of anise

Dragon Blood resin or ( powdered ) to remove any negative energies in the home
Grind all ingredients and burn in safe incense burner a pinch throughout the home or place of business if you own one. Say your intentions and open your arms to receive the blessings and favor from the Universe.

Spiritual bath to keep the fire lit in your marriage:

Ingredients need it:
5 red roses
Pompeia cologne or favored perfume
Boil the 5 roses in water. Allow to cool and add the Pompeia cologne or favored perfume.
After you take your regular shower to clean your body, fill the tub with water.  Add the the spiritual bath to your tub and submerge yourself from head to toe. Close your eyes and visualize your love and union with the same passion as when you first met. Afterward, pray psalm 45,46,67 and 150 to strengthen your marriage and ask God for the blessing of the union.

Job Spell:

Weather you are looking for a job or want a better position in the company you work or elsewhere this will work. Now remember that you need to have the qualifications and meet the expecations such organizations require in an future prospects. The spell is merely to open the door and remove any obstacles in your path. Another thing to remember, it is all about the intention.
Need it items:
4 candle-black, one pink,one green and one gold.
Oil- Peppermint oil
Herbs-Dragon's blood or ginger
Incense- jasmine, Peppermint  or Pine
Stone- Carnelian 

Chant: Doors to new opportunities  open before me. No obstacle  stand in my way. Only the best if employment comes to me. Now sit for a moment thinking of the type og job you want. Leave the candle to burn completely. Dispose of the wax afterwards. Remember to use proper safety while burning your candle and do not leave unattended.

On the full Moon or waxing Moon ( the Moon is getting bigger)
Day- Thursday or Sunday ( to handle finance)
Advise- no magical spell will work if you do not do your part to help.
Rub the oil and herb to the candles first, starting with the black one. From the bottom to the wick and the rest of from the wick to the bottom.
Light altar candles and incense. 
(This spell is from the Sylvia Brown book) Good luck do it with faith and see what happens.

Bath to Increase Psychic Power:
Add essential oils of frankincense, Lemon-grass, Elemi and Anise.
Light a candle, pour you self a drink submerge in the bath and let your power re-emerge.

Mean Spirit repelling powder:

Make a paste from Camphor, cloves, frankincense, and Myrh.
Burn in fireplace or cauldron for safety.

Rosemary Spells:

Blend with essential oil of mastic to repair the aura, stimulate psychic perception & experiences. Warm in an aroma burner or add to the bath.

Psychic Vision Oil:

Grind equal parts of Althea and Anise seeds together with a mortar and pestle. Add Jojoba oil, small quartz crystal to the bottle. Rub oil on your hands and feet prior to your bath to encourage spontaneous inspiration.

Untruthful Powder

A pinch of each he's listed below
Rose (petals)
Grind all herbs. Rub this powder on your hands & touch someone you feel is lying to you. They will be force to apologize  and stop lying if they are.


Chant to face fear
God and Goddess lend me your ears. Give me the strength to face my fear. I want to stand proud and tall  with your support I can face anything at all. Three times three and the power of three, As it is my will, so mote it be.

Fast Money

Green brings me money and Red brings me Gold. Fast come the cash that I need to hold. My need is real as you can see. Quickly money comes to me. As it is my will, so mote it be.

Spiritual Healing:

This spell I here intone. I am healthy from my skin to my bones. Healing rays come pouring in. Pai  fades away, for healing to begin. Divine love flows through me. Healing the mind, body and spirit. And as sure as the rising Sun. Healthier daily, do I thus become. Three times three and the power of three. So it is my will  so mote it be.

Happy Home Chant:

Unhappiness I banish you from my home. Go and find some place to roam. We have no place for you here. And with these words you dissappear. As it is my will, and the power of three and so it is.

When to do Your Rituals:
When you are going to do a ritual it is wise to consider the phases of the Moon.  All rituals of a constructive nature such as love, success, progress, fertility, health, improvement, to change jobs, to prevent dvil, wealth, etc., should be done when the moon is waxing. The moon is said to be waxing from the period between  the New Moon  to the Full Moon.  All rituals of a destructive  nature such as : ending a love affair, to stop another from doing a certain act  putting a stop to bad habits, to cause discord, etc., should be done during the waning phase of the Moon. The period from the Full Moon to the New Moon is the waning phase of the Moon.

New Year Ritual to bring change in the new year

New Years Ritual for those that want to bring positive change into their life!!!!

Spell of the seven keys for New Year.
Get 7 old keys that you no longer use. They can not be new. Each one is going to represent the following below:

Forgiveness from your enemies

You will also need rise and a gold plate to place the rise.
Once you say your intention for each key, place them on top of the rise. Leave in the kitchen and remove the keys in five days or the day the three kings is celebrated which is the 5th of January. Keep the keys in your purse or home as an amulet of good luck. This ritual is great done with the family. ( This is a Mexican Ritual) got it from Telemundo astrologer.

12 grapes representing the 12 months, zodiac,12 hour, making the appropriate wish for each grape you eat.

Luggage by the front door for travel. Make sure you fill with passport, money, clothes,like if you were to really travel. Take the luggage in your hands and cross your street to the other side, then come back. If you live in an apartment, then go around the hallway walk to your neighbor and come back to your place. Say, I will travel all year.

Lentil to give prosperity to others( Italian tradition) cook and serve to your guest.

Champagne  and honey bath. just a chorrito) a little bit of champagne and 1 teaspoon of honey to a gallon of water. Take your regular bath and pour the bath letting dry on you. Do not rinse out. Say your intention as you pour bath in your body. This is done before you get dress to receive the New Year.

Money and rise on the left hand.

You can also place rise and a dollar bill or wherever amount you want to give in a plastic bag to give to others. ( sharing your prosperity).

Manifestation: the act of something becoming a knowable, even tangible, outcome or experience.
Want to elevate the energy so that your game of chances have a better outcome?

Here is a recipe to make Gambler's oil.
Gambler's Luck Oil
Anoint on charms designed to bring luck in gambling. Anoint rack corner of your bingo card before before the game begins. It can be rubbed on the palms of your hands before gambling playing the cards or dice. Anoint in your shoes before going to the race track for betting that special horse. Anoint the money you are using to gamble.


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