Divination Methods & Meanings

Cowrie-shell divination refers to several distinct forms of divination using cowrie shells that are part of the rituals and religious beliefs of certain religions. Though best-documented in West Africa as well as in Afro-American religions, such as Santería,Candomblé, and Umbanda, cowrie-shell divination has also been recorded in other regions, notably East Africa and India.(wikipidia).

Cowie Shells interpretations (www.sabrinas.com)
. Cowie she'll interpretatio
 YOROSUN. 4 open and 12 closed. The answer is Maybe. There is slander, intrigue and lies around you. Indecision stifles any movement forward. Enjoy and benefit from your moments of solitude. You trust someone close to you that will betray you, resulting in nasty surprises, personal changes and risks. Family is important right now. Message from the Orixás: Be happy with little to have much more. Favourable Days: Wednesday, Thursday.

 OXÉ. 5 open and 11 closed. The answer is Yes. Relationship problems can be resolved but only after hard work, tears and anguish. As long as you are honest and fair, you can expect good luck and abundance in your business or profession. Unexpected events will occur. Your health may be up and down, but fertility is highlighted. A time for new phases and beginnings. Message from the Orixás: Money is a double-edged sword, use it carefully. Favourable Days: Monday, Friday, Saturday.

 IKÁ ORI. 14 open and 2 closed. The answer is Maybe. Business brings wealth and good fortune. You will receive a second chance if you have been skirting the law, and will not be punished. However there is strong instability in emotional relationships, with the possibility of competing relationships and betrayal. New friendships enter your life. Pay attention to any signs of ill health, no matter how small. Fertility is highlighted. Message from the Orixás: Do not be fooled by appearances. All that glitters is not gold. Favourable Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.

 EGI OLOGBON. 13 open and 3 closed. The answer is Yes and No. You will overcome all your difficulties but be prepared for radical changes in your life. Beware of false friends and misunderstandings. An injustice or a wrong will be redressed. You need to pay more attention to your health needs on a day-to-day basis. Message from the Orixás: Put some cunning and courage to the service of your ideals. Favourable Days: Monday, Thursday, Sunday.

 EGI OLOGBON. 13 open and 3 closed. The answer is Yes and No. You will overcome all your difficulties but be prepared for radical changes in your life. Beware of false friends and misunderstandings. An injustice or a wrong will be redressed. You need to pay more attention to your health needs on a day-to-day basis. Message from the Orixás: Put some cunning and courage to the service of your ideals. Favourable Days: Monday, Thursday, Sunday.

 EGI ONILÉ. 8 open and 8 closed. The answer is No and Yes. You have spiritual protection and can rise both professionally and personally. Be strong and honest and you will succeed. Beware of deceit and treachery around you. Do not be tempted into petty acts of revenge. Do not be jealous of others and control your temper. Expect new passions and small accidents. Dear ones will return and harmony will be restored. Message from the Orixás:  Act fearlessly, the heavens are protecting you. Favourable Days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday.

 EGI OKÔ. 2 open and 14 closed. The answer is Yes. Although the situation is favourable, you need to be patient and remain wary of hidden enemies. Be cautious, think clearly and take advice. Fair play guarantees positive results. Remain faithful in both your emotions and your principles. You may still need to deal with some disappointments as you move forward. Message from the Orixás: Open your heart to another, and he or she will come to you. Favourable Days: Monday, Sunday.

 OBE OGUNDÁ. 15 open and 1 closed. The answer is Maybe. The obstacles you face are confusing, but your strength, determination, and courage brings you the power to achieve your goals. Despite your successes, the end result may appear confusing and engender disputes and intrigue. Message from the Orixás: Stay on course to power through the confusing conditions. Days: Monday, Tuesday.

 OKARAN. 1 open and 15 closed. The answer is No and Yes. This is a time of disorder with personal and emotional upsets. Things do not go smoothly. There is a danger of imprisonmment or losses. You may be the victim of theft, arguments, disputes. People are working actively ag
Cowie she'll interpretation
 OSSÁ. 9 open and 7 closed. The answer is Maybe. Your ability to succeed at the moment is hampered by your lack of willpower. You need to control any tendencies towards authoritarianism and excess, so as not to provoke enmity and envy in other people. This is particularly true at work. You are protected in any legal issues. Jealous people may cause you to suffer losses. Travel will bring changes to your life. Message from the Orixás: When fighting fails to resolve the situation, the solution lies in flight. Favourable Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

 OKARAN. 1 open and 15 closed. The answer is No and Yes. This is a time of disorder with personal and emotional upsets. Things do not go smoothly. There is a danger of imprisonmment or losses. You may be the victim of theft, arguments, disputes. People are working actively against you. Enormous risks bring big rewards, although the personal moral price may be high. Message from the Orixá: Change always resolves things, don't anchor yourself to old schemes that no longer correspond to you. Favourable Day: Monday.

 ETA OGUNDÁ. 3 open and 13 closed. The answer is No. Be strong and resolute in overcoming the obstacles that seem to continually crop up, particularly in the form of gossip and arguments. Keep your guard up against envious people. Be cautious in matters to do with your health. Strokes and diseases are represented by this throw. Money may arrive through an inheritance. Someone close to the asker may inflict harm upon themselves. Message from the Orixás: To reach the objective, you must proceed at a slow but constant pace. Favourable Days: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.

 EGI LAXEBORÁ. 12 open and 4 closed. The answer is Yes. Business goes well, despite any small delays. You may have to take on more responsibilities to achieve more. You feel restless, but it will pass. Emotional relationships go smoothly after arguments. Any bitterness is only temporary. Message from the Orixás: You are protected. Ask the heavens for help and do not delegate your duties to others. Favourable Days: Wednesday, Friday.

 OWARIN. 11 open and 5 closed. The answer is Maybe. Take care of your health. At first you will face problems and conflict, but these will resolve themselves. People far away from you may cause problems for you. In the workplace, you may have to fight to keep your status, dealing with mistrust around you. However, with good preparation you will emerge victorious. Do not give in to feelings of resentment and a yearning for revenge. Message from the Orixás: Stay calm and do your best. Good luck will arrive. Favourable Days: Monday, Wednesday.
 OBARÁ. 6 open and 10 closed. The answer is Yes. Don't be afraid to go straight for what you want. Be as direct as you like. Beware of snares and traps set by a rival. Friends and relatives will help you along the way. Good luck and wealth will come to you. If you are in a legal dispute, you will be victorious. However, be aware that your good fortune will cause envy in others. Message from the Orixás: Do not trust people who are too formal, they are not loyal. Favourable Days: Monday, Wednesday.

 ALAFIA. 16 open and 0 closed. The answer is Absolutely Yes. Light, strength and truth is with you bringing success, happiness and good luck. Welcome the  guidance and support of those around you. Travel and profits are highlighted. You may acquire new revenues through inheritance. Message from the Orixás: Trust in your own destiny.

 ODI. 7 open and 9 closed. The answer is No. Enjoy travel and pleasurable activities. But there is also some sorrow and anguish around. Even though it may not always be easy, you can develop your professional life. Despite problems along the way, peace will prevail. Any health problems will prove to be minor. Message from the Orixás: Follow the rules to the letter, and your heart will not be burdened. Favourable Days: Monday, Tuesday.

Cowie she'll interpretation
 OFUN. 10 open and 6 closed. The answer is Yes. Problems will be solved and kindness will enter your life. Be happy where you are and be satisfied with what you already have. This is a time of thinking and planning, rather than action. Although money may be tight, in general all will go well. Legal issues are favoured with early resolutions. Relationships go smoothly. Healthwise, you may suffer from sensitivity in the region of the face, throat, nose and eyes. News of pregnancy. Message from the Orixás: Put your talents in the spotlight, and be generous with everyone. Favourable Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

Spanish Tarot Cards or Barajas Espanolas:(www.sabrinas.com) 

The Spanish Deck, otherwise known as the Baraja Española, can consist of 48 cards divided into 4 palos (suits). The suits are Copas (Cups/Hearts), Oros (Coins/Diamonds), Bastos (Clubs) and Espadas (Swords/Spades).
However this deck is usually cut down to a 40 card deck by removing the eights and the nines (if it is not already sold as a 40 card deck). This is the deck that is most used for games and fortune-telling purposes.
These cards, or naipes, are numbered from As (Ace) to 7, then 10 to 12. Card 10 is also known as the Sota (Jack), Card 11 as the Caballo (Knight) and Card 12 as the Rey (King).
If you need a quick answer to your question, you simply need to draw one card. A single card can give an overall impression about your problem. If necessary, you can draw an additional card to clarify the first card.
In addition, this method is suitable for finding out how your day is going to go. For example, drawing a Hearts card means that issues to do with emotions and the home are going to be important that day, drawing a Diamonds card means that issues to do with hard work and affairs outside the home will be important, drawing a Clubs card means that issues to do with business and money will important, and drawing a Spades card indicates problems and difficulties will be important.

We have different type of spreads for example, the 3 card signifying the past, preset and future. We also have the same but more in depth of 9 cards. First 3 cards representing the past, next 3 cards representing the present and the last 3 cards representing the future.

From left to right, lay three rows of seven cards. The top row of seven cards represents the past. The middle row the present and the bottom row of seven cards the future. This 21 card spread demands great skill and is not to be attempted until you are very confident with the meanings of the cards and combining them into a meaningful. ( The Gypsy spread)

Ace (As/La Copeta): The house and the home. Stability. Consolidation. The present and current events. Something from the past which is re-emerging.
Two (Dos): Lover or friend. Friendship. A relative.
Three (Tres): Pleasant surprise. Relationship or partnership between two people. Engagement or marriage proposal. Happy event.
Four (Cuatro): Conversations. Reach an agreement. Good comments.
Five (Cinco): Jealousy around you. Malice from someone. Greed.
Six (Seis): Love. Start of a love affair. Passion.
Seven (Siete): Joy. Happy events. Things work out well despite bad beginnings. Things work out after being at a standstill.
Ten (Sota): Dark-haired woman witha light complexion. Housewife. Mother. Good female friend. Artist.
Eleven (Caballo): Unstable person. Well-known man. Manufacturer. Womaniser.
Twelve (Rey): Dark-haired man with a light complexion. Intelligent responsible and serious man. Capable.

Ace (As/El Or�): Triumph. Success. Letter, phone call, email, fax. News.
Two (Dos): Obstacles, difficulties, postponements, delays.
Three (Tres): A short journey. Exit. Short trip. Visiting or visitors.
Four (Cuatro): Present or gift. Small amount of money. A small loan.
Five (Cinco): The workplace. A meeting place. Assembly or meeting. Hotel. Hospital. Large building.
Six (Seis): Night. Negligence. Trivialities. Small problems.
Seven (Siete): A lot of money. Successful business. A deal with a rival. Gains. Small prosperity. Good health. A rise in luck. Things start to move after delays.
Ten (Sota): Blonde or grey-haired woman. Professional woman. Medical woman or lawyer. Nun. Businesswoman. A rich woman.
Eleven (Caballo) : Traveller. Somebody from afar. Good friend. Intelligent, confident man. The matter at hand.
Twelve (Rey): Blond or grey-haired man. Professional man. Medical man or lawyer. Priest. Businessman. A rich man

Ace (As/El Bastillo): Deceit. Lies. Bad faith. Intrigue. Death.
Two (Dos): A child. Ideas. Projects. Plans. Hopes.
Three (Tres): Magic. Packages. Suitcases. Workplace. Religion.
Four (Cuatro): Setbacks and disaster. Small misfortune. Discovery. Something unexpected.
Five (Cinco): Jealousy. Deception. Troubled times. Something illegal or dishonest. Corruption.
Six (Seis): Long or short voyage. General changes.
Seven (Siete): The countryside or the seaside. Small city or town. Agricultural matters.
Ten (Sota): Dark-complexioned/olive-skinned, dark-haired woman. Divorced woman. Responsible, educated woman.
Eleven (Caballo) : Spirituality. Somebody far away. An acquaintance who is not often seen.
Twelve (Rey): Dark-complexioned/olive-skinned, dark-haired man. Divorced man. Responsible, educated man.

Ace (As/La Espadilla): Total security. No room for doubt. The law. Justice. Victory.
Two (Dos): Legal documents. Inheritance. The formalities. Studies or apprenticeships. Documents.
Three (Tres): On the way. Leaving someone or something. Divorce. The end. Resolution.
Four (Cuatro): Laid up in bed. Small suffering. Someone or something nearby.
Five (Cinco): Loss. Harm. Difficulties. Intrigue. Swindling. Robbery. Theft. Malice.
Six (Seis): Worries. Anxieties. Insecurity. Nervousness. Doubts. Obsession. Insanity. Instability. Anguish.
Seven (Siete): Sorrow. Tears. Chagrin. Heartache. Anger. Arguments. Lawsuit. Dispute. Disagreements. Opposition.
Ten (Sota): Very dark-haired woman. Divorced woman. Strong-willed and determined woman. Sister or female relative.
Eleven (Caballo): Sociable man. Drinker. Husband. Visitor. The matter at hand.
Twelve (Rey): Very dark-haired man. Divorced man. Strong-willed or determined man. Brother or male relative.

The Meanings of the Extra Cards

Eight (Ocho): A journey to visit friends. A visit.
Nine (Nueve): The wish card. All will turn out well.

Eight (Ocho): Travelling for business or money purposes. A work conference.
Nine (Nueve): Wealth gained from business dealings.

Eight (Ocho): Money gained as a loan.
Nine (Nueve): A new job or a promotion.

Eight (Ocho): A journey which which either brings bad luck or is a consequence of bad luck. Deception.
Nine (Nueve): Bad luck and misfortune.
Barajas Espanolas
1- Nuestro hogar, Emociones profundas, Amistades, Hijos, Fiestas, Abundancia, Prosperidad,Reuniones.
2- Embaraso,Dos parejas,Amor verdadero, Asociasiones y Contratos.
3- Sentimientos, Noticias que llegan por correo de carta o electronico,telephono.
4- Passion, Sexo, Reuniones entre casa, celebracion, creactividad.
5- Perdida, No estar a gusto con algo en Nuestra vida, abaricia, malicia por otra persona.
6- Tristesa,Melancolia, Hechar de menos algo o alguien.
7- Realizacion personal, Amor pleno, Plenitud, Carta muy positiva.
8- Viajes,Visitas,
9- Deseos respondidos, carta positiva si ha hecho alguna peticion a nuestro creador o universo.
10- Zota,Mujer, Pelo castano,  Mujeres since estate cerca del(Carta ) caballo.
11- Caballo hombre joven menor de 30 anos o menor.
12- Reina, mujer major de 35 anos,piel Blanca, signo de Agua.
13- Rey, Hombre major de 35 anos.

1- Triunfo,Exitos,Felicidad a todo nivel, ingresos, Dinero.
2- Ipocresia, Pequena molestia en relation de Dinero,Algo no permite nuestro abance.
3- Fortuna, Prosperidad,
4- Prosperidad, Ingresos, Frialdad end el amor, no una ruptura final.
5- Problemas transitorios, Disgustos de dinero.
6- problemas de dinero se ban a resolver por si mismo.
7- Metas conseguidas.
8- Viajes por negocios o dinero, convencion DE trabajo.
9-  Riquesas conseguida por sus esfuersos de trabajo.
10- Mujer joven piel rubia y menor de 30 anos.
11- Hombre joven menor de 30 anos signo de Tierra.
12- Mujer major de 35 anos del signo de Tierra.
13- Rey, Hombre major de 35 anos

Bastos o Bastones
Deseos,Motivation, Trabajo, Energia,Tener ganas,Chispa.

1- Fuerza,Deseos,Trabajo,Buena Carta en el area del trabajo, Majia.
2- Camino abierto, Optimismo, Asociasion positiva con referencia al trabajo.
3- Amor profundo, estabilidad en el amor.
4- Felicidad, Alegria en el hogar.
5- Finales que son temporales, estrategia.
6- Demotivacion,Energia baja, preocupacion de cosas del pasado.
7- Esfuerzos positivo, poner empeno, poder conseguir, Lucha.
8- Ganansas de dinero por medio de un prestamo.
9- Nuevo trabajo, promocion de trabajo.
10-  Sota, mujer Joven, menor de 30 anos.
12- Reina,  mujer major de 35 anos
13- Rey,Hombre major de 35 anos, piel morena y cabello oscuro.

Significado: Acidentes, Negatividad, Enfermedad, Problemas con las espalda.
1- Firma,Triunfo, Contratos legales,Problema  con la colugna vetebral.
2- Un camino no muy bueno,Camino bloqueado,Sorpesas negativa, Dolor de piel y manos.
3- Traicion por una tercera persona, Conflictos con alguien,Enfsrmedades de las rodillas,piernas y muslos.
4- Mentira, Celos, Estafa, Anciedad,Enfermedad en la zona Genitales.
5- Final definitivo, Amenaza,Rotura El Fin,Fracaso Fuerte,Enfermedades de los intestinos.
6- Depresion, Tristeza,conflictos con otras personas,Problemas de salud,especiamente el pecho ,bronquios,corazon.
7- Esperanza que las cosas van a mejorar y cambiar, problemas con los Ojos.
8- Un viaje que trae mala suerte, o es consequencia de mala suerte, Decepciones negativas.
9- Mala suerte, Mala Fortuna, Catastrofe.
10- Sota, mujer joven menor de 30 anos ,si carta esta cerca del caballo,representa mujeres majors o major.
11- Caballo,Hombre joven menor de 30 anos,
12- Reina, mujer major de 35 anos,piel Blanca y pelo negro.
13- Rey, Hombre major de 35 anos con piel Blanca y pelo oscuro.
Tarot Cards Meaning ( R.E.Waite)
Major Arcana
The Fool: New developments, fresh starts, taking a risk.
The Magician: Opportunities, working with your hands, communication skills.
The High Priestess (The Papess): Intuition, hidden motivations, inner wisdom.
The Empress: Creativity and abundance.
The Emperor: Authority and control.
The Hierophant (The Pope): Good advice and conforming to the rules.
The Lovers: Emotional choices, relationships.
The Chariot: Assertiveness, progress.
Justice*: Decision, clarity of mind.
The Hermit: Going it alone, listening to your own counsel.
10 The Wheel of Fortune: Changes.
11 Strength* (Fortitude): Quiet strength, good health, dealing with petty problems.
12 The Hanged Man: Sacrifice, waiting.
13 Death: The end of a situation.
14 Temperance: Balancing, moderation.
15 The Devil: Materialism, greed, lust, bondage, anger.
16 The Tower (Lightning): Sudden catastrophic change.
17 The Star: Hope for the future, good omen, education.
18 The Moon: Confusion, loss of control.
19 The Sun: Success, fame.
20 Judgement: Rewards, karma, judgement.
21 The World: Completion, success, seeing the whole picture.
*In the Rider Waite Tarot (1909) these cards are reversed, ie. Card 8 is Strength and Card 11 is Justice. This was done by Waite to make them better fit with the astrological correspondences worked out by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

The Minor Arcana

Ace: A message of love, the start of a romance. Doing something for love. Creativity.
Two: A happy relationship or partnership.
Three: Partying and celebrating.
Four: Boredom and apathy. The grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence.
Five: Depression and regret.
Six: Simple joys, something or someone from the past.
Seven: Confusion, too many choices, dreams and illusions.
Eight: Leaving something behind, change of lifestyle.
Nine: The wish card. Dreams come true.
Ten: Good luck and happiness, satisfaction.
Page: A new friendship. News of something or someone dear to your heart.
Knight: A proposal or invitation. A good-natured, brown-haired youth with light eyes.
Queen: An intuitive woman. A kindly brown-haired woman with light eyes.
King: A gentle man. A healer. A good advisor. A good-natured, brown-haired man with light eyes.

Wands or Rods
Ace: New starts. New business idea. Uprush of energy.
Two: Planning for the future. Anxiety. Working partnership.
Three: Business success, leading a group.
Four: House move, success.
Five: Trouble and strife, especially petty fighting.
Six: Public success, recognition.
Seven: Fighting for your vision, competing.
Eight: Communications, quick movement.
Nine: Last minute problems, self-protection.
Ten: Success which brings (too) many burdens.
Page: News of work or business, new interests.
Knight: Travel and action. A red or fair-haired youth.
Queen: A business-like or active woman. A red or fair-haired woman.
King: An active and influential man. A red or fair-haired man.

Coins or Pentacles
Ace: Money and security, health.
Two: Juggling time and money, cautiousness.
Three: New job or work, success in work.
Four: Success but unwillingness to move forward or change.
Five: Ill health, financial losses, loss of self-esteem.
Six: Receiving and giving help, financial and otherwise.
Seven: Making adjustments in your plans and being prepared to do the hard work.
Eight: New job, studies, working with a hobby.
Nine: Success from your own efforts, security.
Ten: Money and property, the countryside, inheritance.
Page: News abut money or a job, study for a job.
Knight: Cautious, patient working towards a goal. A dark-haired youth with dark eyes.
Queen: An self-confident and practical woman. A dark-haired woman with dark eyes.
King: An honest and practical man. A dark-haired man with dark eyes.

Ace: Crisis point, success through difficulties.
Two: Sitting on the fence, balance, waiting.
Three: Anxiety, unhappiness, separation.
Four: Rest, hospital, withdrawal.
Five: Fighting for the wrong things, arguments, being forced to recognise your limitations.
Six: Moving away from troubles.
Seven: Deception, theft, non-confrontation.
Eight: Feeling trapped, standstill, restrictions.
Nine: Anxiety, worries, mental anguish.
Ten: Misfortune and endings, failure.
Page: Spying, email or telephone call, brash new idea.
Knight: Upsetting changes, arguments. A dark-haired youth with grey eyes.
Queen: A widow. An unscrupulous woman. A dark-haired woman with grey eyes.
King: An ambitious and authoritative man. A lawyer or doctor. A dark-haired man with grey eyes.

Reversed Cards
Some readers read reversed cards as well. The meanings can be read as the opposite of the meanings listed above, or the reversed cards can simply be interpreted as above but with delays, obstacles or a weakening in strength.


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