Feng Shui

Some Feng Shui tips to help you and  your home energy flow:

Will you like to know a few tips on Feng Shui?  All Hollywood Stars have their home Feng Shui, why not you and be like a millionaire too.  Claim your share of God's inheritance.

Just follow the pentagram instructions.
stand in front of you entrance door and hold the Bagua in your hand. Next just align it with your rooms and wallah  you got it.  I have also included a point of reference the book listed below.  You can find it in most library and bookstore.  I hope that you like it.

Which side of the Bed do You
Sleep? Remember to face  the Headboard so that you are facing the door of your room.

Did you also know that by Vacuuming under the bed you are sweeping your good luck?  Do not use your VC to clean under the bed. Be creative when you do it to avoid damaging your good fortune!!

Have you done your kid's room lately as well as your own bedroom?

When you clean your refrigerator and your kitchen it attracts money.

Do not Va-cum under your Bed and keep uncluttered. Your wealth is affected , If you need to pick up stuff is alright.
Here we have some more tips listed so that you can easily feng Shui your home as some of these diagrams can be a bit confusing. I hope that you will like then and find then user friendly!!

If you are having some problem with money, try one of this Feng Shui' Tips!!!


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