Angel Numbers and Heavenly Loves one Meaning

These meaning explain how they communicate with us.  When you notice any repetitive numbers sequence or show up weather at any particular time and place, take notice. These can be license plates, receipts,  clocks, telephone numbers.  Syncronizity is the clue. I am going to start with 0 and will post every week the following 4 numbers. (Doreen Virtue, Angel Numbers 101).

** 0 **
God is talking to you when you see a zero.  It's a sign of the endless circle og Omega without beginning or end.  God is trying to get your attention with a word of reassurance  or Divine guidance.

**  1 **

Stay positive.  Everything  you are thinking about right now is coming true, so be sure that you are only thinking about what you desire.  Give any fears to God and the Angels.

**  2 **

Everything's fine and will continue to be so.  Keep believing, especially since your feelings of hope lead to more positive outcomes.  The angels can buoy your faith if you'll ask for help.

**  3  **

The ascended masters are helping you- usually this means an ascended master you feel close to- for example, jesus, Quan Yin, a Saint, or some other spiritual/religious figure.

  ** 4 **
The Angels are with you. They send you the number 4 to erasure you that they've heard your prayers and are helping you.

** 5 **
A significant  change is occurring, always for the better. It'seems a good idea to call upon Heaven for help with life changes.

** 6 **
Don't worry or obsess about material items, including money.  Worry lowers the effectiveness  of your prayers.  Fortunately, the angels can answer your prayers if you ask them 

** 7 **

You'really on the right path, and the outcome will exceed your expectations!  The umber 7 is a sign that Divine magic is supporting you and opening doors of opportunity.


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