Home Remedies:

The home remedies that we are providing below can also be found in Goggle which is my source. Please be also advise that we are not telling you to not go to your Doctor. Some of you may also have some allergies that may impeded you from taking these Home Remedies.  We are advising to use the Guidance of your own Doctor or Herbalist. I will indicate if I have tried the Remedies myself or someone in my family member as Testimonial.

How to Heal from an UTI Infections:
1. Take 5,000 Unit of Vitamin C
2. Take 1 Tbs of Baking Powder in a glass of water, wait 30 minutes and take another glass of water with 5 Tbs of lemon juice.
3. Take regular Alca-Seltzer until your symptoms are gone
You will feel a relieve within 15 minutes.

Do you know that Basil reduce stress and is good for your health?
try to research about it.  You will be amazed about what you can find out.

Mint and it's characteristics.

Did you know this?

Beside other healing elements, this is good for early stage of cataract in human and dogs with great successs.(life-saving-naturalcures-), ( C. Norman Shealy, M.D.,Ph.D). Found this in my Pininterest.


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