Astrological Zodiac Sign Characteristics and Planets associated with each sign


Aquarians have a rebellious nature, and are eccentric  spontaneous and original. They are forward thinking and detached, and can seem conservative though they really are not very much so. They are scientifically minded and logical, and confident in manner.

Aquarians are likely to be years ahead of their time in the way they think. They can also appear to be more involved with work than with other people, although they truly value social contact.

Aquarians are intuitive, imaginative and inventive, and inclined to take chances, especially in the service of their goals. They can be quite noble in their deepest nature, but also may come across as critical and demanding. Their highest purpose is found in aligning themselves with the advancement of social and humanitarian ideals.

The element related to Aquarius is Air.

The Air element is the masculine or yang energy representing the breath or prana - the realm of ideas and archetypal associations that link the physical and non-physical world together. It corresponds to the Jungian typology of Thinking. All forms of relationship and thought fall within its purview. Air people tend to live in their heads, being logical and scientific, as well as curious about what is around them and detached in their outlook. They dream the world into being with their future-oriented conceptions. They choose all parties to a dispute rather than taking sides, and thus provide the social linkage that can join disparate groups to each other.

The mode of Aquarius is Fixed.

Fixed signs are in-taking rather than outgoing, receptive rather than originating. People with many Fixed signs tend to be stubborn and difficult to sway from their intended course of action.

The ruling planets for Aquarius are Uranus and Saturn.

Uranus is the planet of freedom and revolutionary vision, the urge for change and the ability to visualize new possibilities. Uranus rules Aquarius, and is exalted in Scorpio. It is also associated with mental studies, electricity and astrology. Its position indicates the arena of originality and freedom from conventional thinking in your life.

Saturn is the planet of limitation and contraction, and the trials of life experience. This includes disciplive, punctuality, and the conservation of material resources. Saturn rules Capricorn and is exalted in Libra, and is limited and material, versus unlimited faith (as represented by Jupiter). It indicates areas where the personality will be restricted by fears and lack of confidence, and also areas which are important to be worked on in this lifetime.

The sign Aquarius is compatible with Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius and Aries.

Aries people tend to be energetic, forceful and outgoing. They are good at getting things done, although they prefer starting to finishing. Like the energy of the first rush of spring, they move into the world in a headstrong, pioneering way. Aries people are likely to rush into things before reflecting, and may also be impatient or unwilling to sit back and allow events to mature. They have great vitality and a tremendous need to be physically active.

Aries people have a strong will, and are self-centered about pursuing it, so that they may try to dominate other people until they learn to be more subtle about getting their way. They also have an acute need for love and affection. Aries people benefit from self-discipline, so that they can channel their abundant energy more constructively.

The element related to Aries is Fire.

The Fire element is masculine or yang, and is active and outer expressive in its basic nature. It corresponds with the Jungian typology of Intuition. Fire is a radiant form of energy that brings light to the world around it, enthusiastic and excitable, self-oriented, impatient and essentially optimistic. It is represented in the signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Fire people are honest to a fault, freedom loving and often insist on their own point of view. They live in the idealism of great thoughts and deeds.

The mode of Aries is Cardinal.

Cardinal signs are outgoing, creative rather than passive, representing self-starters who make their will power known.

The ruling planet for Aries is Mars.

Mars is the planet of outward activity and animal passion. It rules Aries and is exalted in Capricorn. This fiery planet is masculine in action, versus softer more receptive Venus. When strong in the chart it can indicate a volatile temper, and also great courage. Its position indicates how your personality will assert itself, and what modes of activity will stimulate your physical energies.

The sign Aries is compatible with Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini and Aquarius.

Cancerians are nurturing and protective of others. Their ruling planet is the Moon, and they tend to be moody, with constantly changing emotions. Cancerians are also likely to be security-conscious and highly value their home life. They may appear passive, and tend to rely on their feelings to make decisions. They are subtle, rather than direct, and are likely to reflect the moods of those around them.

Cancerians may be involved with the past in some way, because the sign of Cancer, the sign of nurturing, protecting and sustaining, is strongly tied to the past, and the principle of Karma. They tend to collect the residue of past experience and hold onto it, allowing it to color present activities and lead them to instinctual action.

Rather than allowing themselves to be driven by their changing moods, they benefit from shedding the light of conscious reason on their habitual patterns and focusing on their true goals.

The element related to Cancer is Water.

The Water element is the feminine or yin energy of emotion. It corresponds to the Jungian typology of Feeling. Receptive and sensitive to subtle currents of interconnection, it flows through everything and connects at a deeper and more unconscious level than that provided by logical thought. Water people are tuned in to a deeper and subtler reality than other types around them. Their emotions range the gamut from fear and dislike to an unconditional acceptance and love of the world and the creatures they find within it. They can be security oriented and respond well to the solidity, direction and form provided by others. At their best they provide a powerful connection to the divine within themselves and each person in their surrounding milieu.

The mode of Cancer is Cardinal.

Cardinal signs are outgoing, creative rather than passive, representing self-starters who make their will power known.

The ruling planet for Cancer is The Moon. 

The Moon represents the personal self, the feelings and the unconscious. It is a reflection of the true self, represented by the Sun. The Moon also stands for security and instinctual or habitual patterns, as well as the ability to relate to others, and to be nurturing to others. The Moon rules Cancer and is exalted in Taurus. It is often contrasted with the Sun as the female receptive principle versus the masculine or positive principle. The Moon represents the feminine and nurturing part of oneself. In a male chart, the Moon represents the feminine within, or the "anima" and also indicates the type of partner you will attract. The Moon also represents an attunement from the past, which operates at an instinctive or habitual level in your present life.

The sign Cancer is compatible with Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus and Virgo.

Capricorn people are ambitious and practical, and are likely to have an excellent sense of social responsibility. They also tend to be conscious of social mores, perhaps to the point of over-concern. Their natural caution allows them to advance slowly and steadily to the top. Capricorn represents the accomplishments of the material and the quest for prestige, honor and success in public achievement. It is also possible that the driving force behind their ambition partially lies in deep-rooted feelings of insecurity.

Capricorns put themselves under enormous pressure to perform, and can feel personally responsible for those around them. They may have suffered from a restrictive early environment, and their aloofness may serve to protect them from dealing with a fear of intimacy, or low self-esteem. Capricorns exemplify the values of hard work and accomplishment, and service to the goals of humanity. Their redemption comes when they allow the spiritual joy that they feel inside to fully express itself in graceful acts of loving-kindness.

The element related to Capricorn is Earth.

The Earth element is feminine or yin, in-taking and receptive. It corresponds to the Jungian typology of Sensation. The Earth energy is grounded and heavy, responding to the gravity of physical circumstances and limitations. Earth people are in touch with their bodies and the pleasures of the physical world around them. They are givers of form and structure. They endure. They are self-sufficient in a way that the lighter Fire and Air elements are not.

The mode of Capricorn is Cardinal.

Cardinal signs are outgoing, creative rather than passive, representing self-starters who make their will power known.

The ruling planet for Capricorn is Saturn.

Saturn is the planet of limitation and contraction, and the trials of life experience. This includes disciplive, punctuality, and the conservation of material resources. Saturn rules Capricorn and is exalted in Libra, and is limited and material, versus unlimited faith (as represented by Jupiter). It indicates areas where the personality will be restricted by fears and lack of confidence, and also areas which are important to be worked on in this lifetime.

The sign Capricorn is compatible with Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio and Pisces

Leos are likely to express themselves in dramatic, creative and assertive ways. They are also likely to enjoy the warmth of the physical Sun. Leos have great energy, courage and honesty. They are likely to be self-confident and maybe even a bit self-indulgent as they expect to be the center of attention, and often are. Leos can be quite determined and usually get their way when they really want to. They also possess great integrity, and are a natural leader. Leo people are very proud. Their challenge is to temper any tendency for arrogant or egotistical behavior and to instead develop humility and compassion; to learn detachment in the gift of their affections, so that they radiate their abundant energy freely and enhance the life experience of others around them.

The element related to Leo is Fire.

The Fire element is masculine or yang, and is active and outer expressive in its basic nature. It corresponds with the Jungian typology of Intuition. Fire is a radiant form of energy that brings light to the world around it, enthusiastic and excitable, self-oriented, impatient and essentially optimistic. It is represented in the signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Fire people are honest to a fault, freedom loving and often insist on their own point of view. They live in the idealism of great thoughts and deeds.

The mode of Leo is Fixed.

Fixed signs are in-taking rather than outgoing, receptive rather than originating. People with many Fixed signs tend to be stubborn and difficult to sway from their intended course of action.

The ruling planet for Leo is The Sun.

The Sun represents the Self, one's way of being in the world. It can represent, on different levels, both the ego and the higher Self or soul purpose. It rules Leo and is exalted in Aries. The Sun is the most important 'planet' in the chart and symbolizes one's will and sense of vitality. When the Sun is afflicted (poorly placed or poorly aspected) it could indicate problems with the father, or male role model. The Sun energizes your entire chart, and planets in close relationship to the Sun (by planetary aspect) are emphasized in your personality. If your Sun is prominent in your chart, you will exhibit great power to do and to be.

The sign Leo is compatible with Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini and Libra

Libra is the sign of harmony and relationship. The Sun in Libra is at the time of the Equinox, when day equals night, and similarly Libra strives for balance between polarities.

Librans are known for their good taste, elegance and charm. They are seekers of harmony and beauty. Their natural mode of living is in partnership with others. Intimate relationships are quite important to them, as are issues of social justice. Libras forever hope that all parties in a conflict will be satisfied, and they have a tendency to understand and support both sides of a dispute, which can drive their friends crazy unless they are smart enough to value the mediation that Libras naturally provide. Libras will go out of thier way to avoid a quarrel, and they may have a hard time making a decision.

Artistic pursuits of all kinds provide an outlet for Libras' love of beauty. They benefit from strengthening their will to act in favor of their higher purpose, which ultimately lies in dedicating themselves to humanity at large.

The element related to Libra is Air.

The Air element is the masculine or yang energy representing the breath or prana - the realm of ideas and archetypal associations that link the physical and non-physical world together. It corresponds to the Jungian typology of Thinking. All forms of relationship and thought fall within its purview. Air people tend to live in their heads, being logical and scientific, as well as curious about what is around them and detached in their outlook. They dream the world into being with their future-oriented conceptions. They choose all parties to a dispute rather than taking sides, and thus provide the social linkage that can join disparate groups to each other.

The mode of Libra is Cardinal.

Cardinal signs are outgoing, creative rather than passive, representing self-starters who make their will power known.

The ruling planet for Libra is Venus. 

Venus is the planet of love and relationship. Venus is in-taking, rather than out-going (as represented by Mars), and rules the signs Libra and Taurus. Venus has its exaltation in Pisces, and is associated with aesthetics, beauty, refinement and romance. Its position in the chart indicates the area in which the give and take of love, affection and sensual pleasure will be expressed.

The sign Libra is compatible with Gemini, Aquarius, Leo and Sagittarius.

Pisceans are friendly and likable, and yet can be very moody and introspective as well. Pisces is a watery sign, concerned with subtle emotions and secret mystical depths. Pisceans are not entirely at home in this world. They may at times prefer their inner life to this one. Pisceans are dreamy and full of imagination, and are easily influenced by everything around them, being quite sensitive to the emotions of others. They also have an artistic temperament that allows them to express these feelings in creative and innovative ways.

Pisceans can be strong when necessary, but may have a hard time making a decision. They also may experience upsets periodically, stemming from their extreme sensitivity as they react to situations and events that seem harsh. At their best Pisceans are truly compassionate, offering service, love and understanding to all of life.

The element related to Pisces is Water.

The Water element is the feminine or yin energy of emotion. It corresponds to the Jungian typology of Feeling. Receptive and sensitive to subtle currents of interconnection, it flows through everything and connects at a deeper and more unconscious level than that provided by logical thought. Water people are tuned in to a deeper and subtler reality than other types around them. Their emotions range the gamut from fear and dislike to an unconditional acceptance and love of the world and the creatures they find within it. They can be security oriented and respond well to the solidity, direction and form provided by others. At their best they provide a powerful connection to the divine within themselves and each person in their surrounding milieu.

The mode of Pisces is Mutable.

Mutable signs as the name implies are multivalent and flexible in their approach. These people are easy going, allowing, and accepting of others around them.

The ruling planets for Pisces are Neptune and Jupiter. 

Neptune represents the universal ocean of oneness with all beings. It is thus highly compassionate, also idealistic, imaginative and self login or even self undoing, and can be associated with drugs or media, as fantasy expressions. Neptune rules Pisces, and finds its exaltation in Cancer. Its position indicates where there may be confusion and also great creativity in poetic or musical fields. Neptune has been called the higher octave of Venus.

Jupiter is the planet of faith, positivism and optimism. It rules Sagittarius and is exalted in Cancer. Jupiter represents the principle of expansion, versus contraction (as represented by Saturn) and the aspirations of the higher self. Its position in the chart indicates how your faith will be expressed, and what modes of activity will stimulate self-confidence.

The sign Pisces is compatible with Scorpio, Cancer, Capricorn and Taurus.

Sagittarius is an optimistic, positive-thinking sign associated with the quest for freedom from all restriction as well as idealism, religion and philosophy.

Sagittarians are direct and forthright, good-natured and affirmative in their outlook. They tend to speak with a blunt tongue, which can get them into trouble at times, although they are usually able to laugh themselves out of it. Sagittarians display honesty and a strong moral nature. They also like to have fun and enjoy a good chuckle, even at their own expense. They gravitate toward adventure, sports and travel, as well as gambling and other forms of risk-taking.

They are likely to be very curious about the world around them, with a love for nature and a contagious enthusiasm for exploration of all kinds. At the highest level, Sagittarians are concerned with understanding, perception, and mental activity in the service of their high ideals for the benefit of mankind.

The element related to Sagittarius is Fire.

The Fire element is masculine or yang, and is active and outer expressive in its basic nature. It corresponds with the Jungian typology of Intuition. Fire is a radiant form of energy that brings light to the world around it, enthusiastic and excitable, self-oriented, impatient and essentially optimistic. It is represented in the signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Fire people are honest to a fault, freedom loving and often insist on their own point of view. They live in the idealism of great thoughts and deeds.

The mode of Sagittarius is Mutable.

Mutable signs as the name implies are multivalent and flexible in their approach. These people are easy going, allowing, and accepting of others around them.

The ruling planet for Sagittarius is Jupiter. 

Jupiter is the planet of faith, positivism and optimism. It rules Sagittarius and is exalted in Cancer. Jupiter represents the principle of expansion, versus contraction (as represented by Saturn) and the aspirations of the higher self. Its position in the chart indicates how your faith will be expressed, and what modes of activity will stimulate self-confidence.

The sign Sagittarius is compatible with Leo, Aries, Libra and Aquarius.

Scorpio is the most intense sign of the Zodiac, and is associated with sexual activity and with the symbolism of death and rebirth. Their emotions run deep.

Scorpios have great personal magnetism and great powers of persuasion or even the ability to coerce others. Their will is strong, and they let nothing stand in their way of achieving their goals. They may suffer in life, but their pain leads to important personal transformation. They are very good at group dynamics, and working with the public.

Scorpios are a shrewd judge of other people's motives, and may be willing to use their special knowledge to their own advantage. Although they can be manipulative at times, when they work out their issues to be more in line with their own higher nature, they can take on the charismatic power of a natural healer, transforming themselves and society around them.

The element related to Scorpio is Water.

The Water element is the feminine or yin energy of emotion. It corresponds to the Jungian typology of Feeling. Receptive and sensitive to subtle currents of interconnection, it flows through everything and connects at a deeper and more unconscious level than that provided by logical thought. Water people are tuned in to a deeper and subtler reality than other types around them. Their emotions range the gamut from fear and dislike to an unconditional acceptance and love of the world and the creatures they find within it. They can be security oriented and respond well to the solidity, direction and form provided by others. At their best they provide a powerful connection to the divine within themselves and each person in their surrounding milieu.

The mode of Scorpio is Fixed.

Fixed signs are in-taking rather than outgoing, receptive rather than originating. People with many Fixed signs tend to be stubborn and difficult to sway from their intended course of action.

The ruling planets for Scorpio are Mars and Pluto. 

Mars is the planet of outward activity and animal passion. It rules Aries and is exalted in Capricorn. This fiery planet is masculine in action, versus softer more receptive Venus. When strong in the chart it can indicate a volatile temper, and also great courage. Its position indicates how your personality will assert itself, and what modes of activity will stimulate your physical energies.

Pluto is a force for change that can be destructive in its power. Pluto rules Scorpio, and is exalted in Leo. Pluto is related to will, and intense passion, and has a reputation for ruthlessness. As god of the underworld Pluto brings the deepest compulsions into the light. Its position indicates areas of life that must ultimately become transformed as part of the soul's evolution.

The sign Scorpio is compatible with Cancer, Pisces, Virgo and Capricorn.

Taureans revel in the pleasures of life. They crave the security and comfort of relaxing in the warmth of their home environment. They value the senses and the enjoyment of material things. Taureans are likely to work hard to make their home an attractive one. They also have the makings of a healer and have a large capacity for kindness.

Although they are quiet on the surface, almost passive, Taureans possess a powerful will and can be quite stubborn at times, and perhaps somewhat rigid in their thinking. Taureans also tend to be loving, obedient and loyal. Material rewards seem to come easily to them, and they are able to lead the good life without being excessively concerned about it. Taureans are practical, and provide a purposeful, productive and stabilizing influence for themselves and all those around them.

The element related to Taurus is Earth.

The Earth element is feminine or yin, in-taking and receptive. It corresponds to the Jungian typology of Sensation. The Earth energy is grounded and heavy, responding to the gravity of physical circumstances and limitations. Earth people are in touch with their bodies and the pleasures of the physical world around them. They are givers of form and structure. They endure. They are self-sufficient in a way that the lighter Fire and Air elements are not.

The mode of Taurus is Fixed.

Fixed signs are in-taking rather than outgoing, receptive rather than originating. People with many Fixed signs tend to be stubborn and difficult to sway from their intended course of action.

The ruling planet for Taurus is Venus.

Venus is the planet of love and relationship. Venus is in-taking, rather than out-going (as represented by Mars), and rules the signs Libra and Taurus. Venus has its exaltation in Pisces, and is associated with aesthetics, beauty, refinement and romance. Its position in the chart indicates the area in which the give and take of love, affection and sensual pleasure will be expressed.

The sign Taurus is compatible with Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer and Pisces.

Virgo people tend to be very conscious of details. They may appear nervous or obsess over health issues. They are likely to be neat and orderly, at least in some area of their life, although they may exhibit the opposite tendency in cases where they have not yet found their guiding principle of organization.

Virgos love work, service to others and the gathering of the fruits of the material world, as symbolized by the harvest. They are also likely to be a good conversationalist, with wide-ranging knowledge and interesting ideas. They can be analytical and perhaps overly fond of detail, with perfectionist tendencies, and they may miss out on the big picture by concentrating on the micro. It also benefits them to learn the fine line between discrimination and criticism.

Virgos' mission in life is the purification of their activity in pursuit of their goals, manifesting their inherent love of excellence in all strivings.

The element related to Virgo is Earth.

The Earth element is feminine or yin, in-taking and receptive. It corresponds to the Jungian typology of Sensation. The Earth energy is grounded and heavy, responding to the gravity of physical circumstances and limitations. Earth people are in touch with their bodies and the pleasures of the physical world around them. They are givers of form and structure. They endure. They are self-sufficient in a way that the lighter Fire and Air elements are not.

The mode of Virgo is Mutable.

Mutable signs as the name implies are multivalent and flexible in their approach. These people are easy going, allowing, and accepting of others around them.

The ruling planet for Virgo is Mercury.

Mercury represents the mind and intellect, and rules Gemini, sign of duality also Virgo, and has its exaltation in Aquarius. Mercury is an airy planet, associated with all forms of communication and the in-flow and out-flow of intelligence. Its position indicates how your mental function will be expressed, and where techniques and skills are available to you.

The sign Virgo is compatible with Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer and Scorpio.


Pisceans are friendly and likable, and yet can be very moody and introspective as well. Pisces is a watery sign, concerned with subtle emotions and secret mystical depths. Pisceans are not entirely at home in this world. They may at times prefer their inner life to this one. Pisceans are dreamy and full of imagination, and are easily influenced by everything around them, being quite sensitive to the emotions of others. They also have an artistic temperament that allows them to express these feelings in creative and innovative ways.

Pisceans can be strong when necessary, but may have a hard time making a decision. They also may experience upsets periodically, stemming from their extreme sensitivity as they react to situations and events that seem harsh. At their best Pisceans are truly compassionate, offering service, love and understanding to all of life.

The element related to Pisces is Water.

The Water element is the feminine or yin energy of emotion. It corresponds to the Jungian typology of Feeling. Receptive and sensitive to subtle currents of interconnection, it flows through everything and connects at a deeper and more unconscious level than that provided by logical thought. Water people are tuned in to a deeper and subtler reality than other types around them. Their emotions range the gamut from fear and dislike to an unconditional acceptance and love of the world and the creatures they find within it. They can be security oriented and respond well to the solidity, direction and form provided by others. At their best they provide a powerful connection to the divine within themselves and each person in their surrounding milieu.

The mode of Pisces is Mutable.

Mutable signs as the name implies are multivalent and flexible in their approach. These people are easy going, allowing, and accepting of others around them.

The ruling planets for Pisces are Neptune and Jupiter.

Neptune represents the universal ocean of oneness with all beings. It is thus highly compassionate, also idealistic, imaginative and self login or even self undoing, and can be associated with drugs or media, as fantasy expressions. Neptune rules Pisces, and finds its exaltation in Cancer. Its position indicates where there may be confusion and also great creativity in poetic or musical fields. Neptune has been called the higher octave of Venus.

Jupiter is the planet of faith, positivism and optimism. It rules Sagittarius and is exalted in Cancer. Jupiter represents the principle of expansion, versus contraction (as represented by Saturn) and the aspirations of the higher self. Its position in the chart indicates how your faith will be expressed, and what modes of activity will stimulate self-confidence.

The sign Pisces is compatible with Scorpio, Cancer, Capricorn and Taurus.


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