How to turn Negative emotions into Positive and balance your Chakras

How to turn negative emotions into positive and balance chakras: 

 1. Turn fear into bravery. Do something that you want to do but have been keeping yourself back from doing because of fear.

 2. Turn guilt into gratitude. Instead of feeling guilt, find things that you feel grateful for in your life. 

 3. Turn shame into authenticity. Challenge yourself to do something that makes you feel like you’re truly being yourself. (Example: Dancing outside) While you do that, don’t care about what others think. How? By realizing that you’re awesome regardless of their opinions. 

 4. Turn bitterness into love and compassion. Realize that everyone is doing their best and challenge yourself to do an act of kindness. 

 5. Turn lies or shyness into courageously speaking your truth. Begin by talking about something that is important to you and makes you happy.

6. Turn confusion into listening to your intuition. 

7. Turn attachment and the need to control things into going with the flow and allowing things to unfold.


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