Full Moon on June 23, 2017

On June 23, 2017 we will have a New Moon.
New Moon

In this phase, the Moon and Sun are conjunct and in the same sign. This phase represents the very beginning of the planting cycle, when the seed sends forth its tender shoot while still underground. This is a tentative moment, with the outcome still very much in doubt. This phase also corresponds to the Winter Solstice in the cycle of the seasons.

During this phase, the world is yours to make your mark on. You tend to be subjective, even self-centered, in your approach. You feel that the rules other people make are not for you, you make your own rules appropriate to the present moment. For example, you may question why it needs to be done a certain way, and won't be satisfied with the answer that it's how we've always done it.(Time Passage).


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