How to caculate and find your personal number based on your date of birth, month, year and your name. Just follow the instructions below to interpret them and play any and or all game od chance using numbers. Enjoy hope you like it.

No sabe que numeros jugar? Aqui esta la formula.

How to figure out your own lucky numbers using your date, month and year you were born. For example, you were born April 21, 1998
To calculate your personal numbers, you would add the date you were born and reduce to a single number. In this case it is 21. 2+1= 3 ( Personal Number). Now figure your Expression number. You will add month and date and reduce to a single number. Again in this case will be 3+21= 24, reduce now 2+4= 6( Expression Number). Now let's figure out your life path number. We need to add the month, date and year; which will be 3+21+1998. Now we will add 3+2+1+1+9+9+8= 33. Now reduced to single number. 3+3= 6
Now you have figure out some numbers that correspond to you. Your year that you were born= 1,19,10,17,18,27. The day you were born= 2,21,3. The month you were born= 3 for April and the third month of the calendar year. We can go as far as figuring the numbers for your name but we will update this post with that information at a later date. This is a table that give each letter of the alphabet a number and you will add the all the numbers and reduce to single number. Using the same method used above.


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